History of Chinese Medicine
Proven Ancient Medicine
For about 2500 years, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine has been the medical system used in much of Asia. The earliest notations of diseases were found carved on turtle shells and pieces of wood. Later, books were written, one of the earliest being The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, written around 250 B.C.
Today Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, along with modalities like cupping, TuiNa (Chinese massage) and moxibustion fall under the category of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is based on the Five Element system as well as Chinese Meridian Theory.
The Five Element system teaches that everything in nature falls in one of five categories, each of which interacts with the other. When a person is unhealthy it is said that one of these elements is either weak or too active. In a healthy body, there is balance among the Five Elements; in disease or discomfort, the practitioner seeks to nourish those areas that are weak and ‘tone down’ those areas that are hyperactive.
Meridian Theory says that there are energy channels, or meridians, traversing the entire body, where Qi flows. There are 12 main channels and five ‘extra’ meridians. Just as in the Five Element system, when there is illness or pain it is assumed that the Qi is not flowing properly, either too much or not enough. By activating specific points on these meridians, the acupuncturist is seeking to restore the free flow of Qi.
In both systems, the belief is that the body is able to heal itself given the opportunity.